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Sunsetting Automatic Commercial Skip for New Tablo Customers


Automatic Commercial Skip (ACS) has been a popular feature for some Tablo Over-the-Air DVR owners. However, starting July 19th 2022, this feature will no longer be offered on NEWLY ACTIVATED Tablo DVRs.

Existing Tablo customers with active Premium Service subscriptions will not be affected by this change.

As long as a current Tablo customer’s Premium Service subscription remains active, they can continue enjoying Automatic Commercial Skip on completed recordings for the foreseeable future.

As of July 19th, brand new Tablo customers will still receive a free 30-day trial of the Tablo TV Guide Data Service, along with all the advanced recording and streaming features that entails and will still be able to fast-forward through ads on recordings manually.

However, the free 30-day Premium Service trial, which enables ACS, will not be available.

Why We’re Ending Automatic Commercial Skip for New Tablo Customers:

Tablo sunsetting automatic commercial skip why
The engineering, support and cloud computing resources required for ACS have been significant and the uptake on the Premium Service subscription has not been as strong as we’d anticipated.

For this reason, we made the difficult decision to sunset this feature to focus on other higher demand features.

We believe this is the best way for us to continue to offer the great Tablo experience customers expect, on a wide variety of platforms, while keeping subscription costs low.

 Key Dates for This Transition

Tablo Sunsetting Automatic Commercial Skip Key Dates
As we move towards sunsetting Premium Service and Automatic Commercial Skip for new Tablo customers, please keep these dates and deadlines in mind.

  • July 19, 2022 — Premium Service/Automatic Commercial Skip trials no longer offered on newly activated Tablo DVRs
  • August 23, 2022 — Last date for any customer to purchase a new Premium Service subscription to enable Automatic Commercial Skip
  • August 24, 2022 — Premium Service subscriptions/Automatic Commercial Skip removed from purchase options via


Tablo Sunsetting Automatic Commercial Skip FAQs

I bought my Tablo earlier this year but haven’t set it up yet. Can I still get ACS?

Before August 23, 2022, customers can still purchase Premium Service and enable Automatic Commercial Skip for their Tablo DVR. However, after July 19th, 2022, a 30-day free trial will no longer be offered on newly activated DVRs.

I haven’t signed up for Premium Service, but I’d like to. When is the last possible day for me to do this?

August 23, 2022 is the last date for any customer to purchase a new Premium Service subscription to enable ACS.

If I cancel my Premium Service subscription, can I start it again later to re-gain Automatic Commercial Skip capabilities?

Existing customers can cancel their Premium Service subscriptions at any time, but since Premium Service subscriptions will be removed from the self-serve account portal on August 24, 2022, Premium Service subscribers who cancel their service will not be able to re-subscribe to enable ACS after that date.

Will I still be able to renew my existing Premium Service subscription when it comes time? 

Yes! As long as your Tablo Premium Service subscription remains active, you can continue enjoying ACS on completed recordings for the foreseeable future.

Since the Tablo ATSC 3.0 QUAD HDMI isn’t out yet, will it have Automatic Commercial Skip when it ships?

No, it will not. When we announced the Tablo ATSC 3.0 QUAD HDMI we believed we’d be able to offer the this feature on ATSC 1.0 content only. Given the delay in delivery of this product and the sunsetting of ACS, this feature will not be available for the ATSC 3.0 Tablo when it ships.

What new features will Tablo be working on instead?

We do not share our roadmap publicly for competitive reasons, but we do have several exciting projects underway or in the planning stages.

If you have any questions or concerns about this announcement, don’t hesitate to touch base with Tablo Support, or reach out on Facebook or Twitter.

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